I bought a Sony MZ-N10 with an old battery and just the docking station without any cable. I know that the quality of the data cable and the 6V power adapter cable is very bad and almost falls apart. Mainly because the data cable isn’t available anymore I wanted to modify the docking station. Changing the proprietary Sony port to a common USB-C port would be a nice solution. Bit I also wanted to get rid of the 6V port. too. I thought that it must be possible to step up the 5V from the USB-C input to 6V via a step up converter. This would be quite convenient. So I ordered the needed parts.
Battery: https://www.ebay.de/itm/224470036406?var=523253029851
USB-C breakout port: https://www.ebay.de/itm/353151668332
Step up converter: https://www.reichelt.de/entwicklerboards-spannungsregler-dc-dc-wandler-debo-dcdc-down-4-p291460.html?CCOUNTRY=445&LANGUAGE=de&trstct=pos_0&nbc=1&&r=1
The installation of the battery was quite easy. I ordered a 402050 battery. I guess its 420 mAh is the maximum capacity that will fit inside the MZ-N10. To install you just have to unscrew the jog dial and the back plate. Just solder the wires to the two pins next to the battery port. This video shows the procedure, but take a larger battery.
To install the new parts into the docking station you have to unscrew the two screws on the back plate. Take a plastic opening tool to release it. Now desolder all 6 wires from the port and solder new wires as shown in the picture. Set the step up converter to 6,4 Volt. You have to cut some plastic parts to make the new parts fit. I also had to extend the space inside the docking station to make the step up converter fit. I used hot glue and plastic parts to cover the gap.
This mod makes the MZ-N10 easier to use than ever before. Especially if you use the great website „Web MiniDisc“ by Stefano Brilli. Now I can sync my favorite songs with my MacBook Air without any problems. Syncing and charging via one USB-C cable.
Uploading my photos failed consequently. The 4 wires of the Sony port are standard USB wires. Ground and Voltage wires also have to be connected to the input ports of the step up converter. The two wires from the output of the step up converter have to be connected with the 6V connection from the Sony connector. Pictures are available on reddit.