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  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony MDS-JB980, MZ-N710, HAR-LH500, RDR-HXD970

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  1. Certainly not. I actually tried installing it on my mac which I partitioned to also run windows 10 64bit but it refused installing pass the OpenMG... so I had to opt for the DELL system. Which it successfully installed on but now refuse to complete transfer. Well i'll try changing the USB cable and using a different Port and then try again.
  2. Hello, please I need help resolving this issue. Well I have a MDS-JB980 I bought recently and I have the Sonic Stage 4.3 app installed on my laptop using windows 7. The issue is while transferring it converts all tracks but transfers only the first track to 95% and gets stock there. I've left it for hours hoping it will complete yet nothing. Please can you help me.... Thanks.
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