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Everything posted by Machine

  1. What can i do if all im downloading is 3.14 mb (3,301,056
  2. my downloaded file is 3.14mb (3,301,056 . its meant to be 3,224kb....? i re try to download it but it is the same size. Is it meant to be this size. i thought i better ask beofre installing it.
  3. I was reading the Support info on the Sony website regarding the Connect software. It says that Connect s/w will not work unless Interent Explorer is the default internet browser. I use Firefox. i kno i cannot go to www.connect.co.uk in firefox. but can i install it and still use firefox? Which internet browseres do people here use?
  4. No... i meant the Connect software. If you look at all the screenshots, the colour is purple. i was wondering if you can change the software colour.? Also which A3000 colour is better... Silver or Black?
  5. I am thinking of getting the NW-A3000. With the new connect software... CAN YOU CHANGE THE COLOUR???? I dont like purple!!!!!
  6. Help!, i am a total noob. What do i do with my hd5? do i download all the icons....
  7. Note from Moderator: Please do not post classified related topic in a news thread. Your post has been moved to the Classified section.
  8. Check this out : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Excellent-Cond-Sony-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Which shall i buy: HD5 or A3000 I am a student and use the device for music aswell as a flash drive. Which is better for my purpose
  10. Hi, Could you make a NW-HD5 one
  11. Is there a cable that goes from the A3000 to usb without a cradle. i want this as a portable music player and a flash drive to use at university. Is there a cable? Is the HD5 or A3000 better for my use?
  12. I cant believe Sony is bringing out a successor to the Hd5. i know technically its not the successor but is a replacement. Question for Kurisu and anyone who has Nw-A3000 and HD5: Which is better HD5 or A3000? Which do YOU reccomend to buy? aslo What is that reset hole at the bottom? and Why wasnt it on HD5? (if u know)
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