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Erratic Space

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  1. Hiya All, First time I've posted. Looking to buy the Sony NW-S205F 4gb version today in a few hours but having looked all over the net I can't seem to find the answer to one rather simple question? Can I drag and drop other file formats other than mp3 such as if I want to use it to move data files? I just sold my Creative Muvo NX (or maybe it was an MX?) which was a good sturdy player however I thought it time to upgrade. I see also that there are 3rd party pieces of software like VOIDMP3 and MP3 File Manager, having found these pieces of software I'm very keen now on the S series if someone can just answer this question for me? Oh yeah one other thing, when transferring it looks like you use a long cable to hook into both ends, can't someone make a small device that could fix ona keyring with both connectors on so we don't have to lug cables around? I think this would be a fantastic buy with that addition. Thanks for your help all,
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