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  1. I don't know where else to put this.. But it is sorta phones, right? Anyone been on the Sony Ericsson site lately? there is an 8GB walkman phone that resembles the new line of walkmans: Looks pretty sleek if you ask me. Here's the website for more details: <CLICKEY> Does anyone have this phone? If not, who owns another model of walkman phone? Can they compete with actual walkmans, if you use good headphones?
  2. Ok I figured this out, in case anyone has had this problem. As I said, the last 10 "active" playlists are in the submenu. So if a playlist you need isn't there, open the playlist and move one of the tracks positions. Tada! I can't wait till I get a WMP compatible walkman..
  3. Right. I've imported two new songs into the library. I want to add them to one of my existing playlists. So I right click, go to Add to playlist, then Existing playlist And the list of playlists shows up... I have more than 10 playlists, so not all of them show. And the one I want to add to isn't showing. How the frick am I supposed to add it to the playlist if it's not on that list of 10? I THINK the list of 10 is the last 10 playlists you've done something to.. So I tried playing a track that was already in that playlist. Still didn't show up. So I tried transferring the playlist to my walkman. Still didn't work. HELP! What do you have to do with a playlist in order for it to go to that list/sub menu??? AHHH! Or is there a way of transferring a track to a playlist other than that stupid list/sub menu?
  4. Yup, each and every song. I'm using the version that came with the walkman, I'm assuming the newest version. I think I'm using JPEG files. Do you think I might just have a faulty player??? I could always exchange it, but for some reason I feel like I've probably just made a silly mistake.
  5. Nah I added the pictures in the properties. Wish I knew you could drag and drop, would've have saved a heck load of time! All the songs do have jacket pictures.. and they are on the walkman's memory, I know that for sure because they are on the ATRAC device's box in Sonicstage (if that makes sense), I just can't see them on the walkman itself.
  6. Hope this is the right place to post. Basically, I've added jacket pictures to all the songs I've put on my NW-S706F. I arrange them in playlists if that makes a difference. When I'm on Sonicstage, the window that displays all the songs on the walkman do show that the jacket pictures are there, but when I scroll through the songs on the walkman I can't see any jacket pictures, just the default logo thingy that appears when the song doesn't have one but jacket display is on. Help?
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