Hi there, I've been trying to turn on again SonicStage working with my MZ-NF700 as it used to work but it doesn't recognize it. I assumed it was due to using Win10 64 bit (although I'm almost sure the last time I used it was in another Win10-64bit PC). I searched and found this forum, followed every instruction until I got stucked in question "5) Right click "NETMD760.inf" and hit install." When I do so my Laptop sends an Instalation error in spanish (I'm in Mexico) saying something like this: "The hash for this file is not present int the catalog file specified. It is posible that the file is damaged or has been manipulated." I don't know if the word HASH is correct as that's how is shown and has no translation in spanish. I tried other forums where there are other drivers and does the same thing. I also followed the rest of the instructions and still no luck. Hope someone can help me. Regards. Fernando