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Everything posted by cscade

  1. Thanks for the replies - yes, this is the MZ-1 that I have, the first recorder. Since my last post I found the correct Sony power adapter on eBay (I had a knock off one), but that didn't make any difference either. It was a long shot, but I thought I should try! Next, I opened the unit up again, this time going as far as to remove the main board, and check that all the connections are seated correctly. I'm beginning to wonder if this unit was bad out of box - it truly is spotless inside and out. I couldn't find anything that looks at all out of place. Testing the unit with the covers removed gave a little more information. When the disc loads and says TOC Reading! there's nothing happening. The pickup mechanism isn't moving at all side to side, and the disc is not spinning. I can hear an actuator noise, but I'm pretty sure it must be the laser focus, because I can't see anything else moving. Pretty much out of self diagnosis options at this stage. Does anyone still work on these?
  2. First post everyone, hello! I am a long time minidisc aficionado that started in 1997. I stopped using minidisc for quite a few years, but recently got interested again in a big way. I currently have 2 decks and multiple portables, including two recently acquired MZ-1 models. The MZ-1 that is the subject of this post looks like it just left the factory. Not a mark on it. It will load and unload a disc fine, but it will not read (DISC ERROR) either a home recorded or a factory pressed MiniDisc. I have removed the top shell and it's also spotless inside. No signs of dust or other grime that would be effecting the laser. Lubrication on slides, where visible, looks clean and smooth as well. To troubleshoot I have tried - Operating on battery Operating on AC adapter Attempting to use a home-recorded disc (multiple) Attempting to use a factory-pressed disc (the original "minidisc sampler" from Sony) Holding the player on it's side and upside-down while inserting and playing a disc No change in behavior with any of these tests - still DISC ERROR. I would like to continue to test / work on / repair it myself. I am comfortable with small electronics and basic testing / soldering / repair. I don't have any advanced equipment like an oscilloscope. The person I bought it from indicated that it worked when it felt like it, but I've never seen it work. Any thoughts or personal experiences are very welcome! Thanks, and keep recording!
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