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  1. I purchased a RM-MZR55 remote and it works perfectly with the MZ-R35 recorder!
  2. I found a couple of links but the link from atraclife.com is dead and the guide for the LCD remotes points to the forum main page where there is no such guide. Were you thinking of another guide?
  3. Thanks! I had already checked that page but it seems that it is incomplete. I found many remote models that are not listed. I guess going with a remote from the RM-MZR line would probably be best. The only function I need is "Play Mode", which seems to be either RM-MZR50 or RM-MZR55.
  4. Thank you for your reply. The issue is not with the remote I currently have (RM-MZR30). The problem is that some of the buttons located on the unit stopped working. Some of them can be controlled with the remote (Pause, Volume), but I am mainly interested in controlling Play Mode and Display. Since my remote does not control these functions, I wonder if I could use another remote - RM-MZR50 or RM-MZR55 - that includes these controls. If you know other remotes that are compatible with my MZ-R35 player, I am all ears.
  5. Hi everyone! I just found my old Sony MZ-R35 player after 15 years. It is in decent condition, but some of the controls on the unit do not work (volume, pause, mode, display). The remote that came with it can control Volume and Pause but not the Play Mode or the Display. Would the remote of later units - like the RM-MZR50 or RM-MZR55 - be able to achieve that? If you know other remotes that could control the Play Mode and the Display for the MZ-R35, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
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