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Everything posted by DimitriLee

  1. Some times it plays the disc (music coming out ok), some times it does not. If it reads the TOC it goes on to play the music. When it fails it comes back as disc error. I can delete/erase disc with 100% success. When I record and title tracks, when trying to playback it will get stuck on 01 or 02 seconds. If I eject the disc and reinsert it, it reads it as blank.
  2. I do not have a LPM. I was going to try it but seems I cannot get it to save the change. It plays discs every so often, no particular reason, no specific disc. No pattern that I can make out. Recording is off. No disc was blanked, and I erased a couple which seems to confirm the OWH is working, right?
  3. Just took apart the whole thing and went through the FBIAS CHECK/ADJUST I cant seem to up the LDPWR, I can change it using YES but cannot SAVE the change. Strange. This was free, still it would be nice if I could get it to work.
  4. I did reset all ribbons. What do you mean try fiber glass pen?
  5. Hello First the recording went. It would record, but would not playback (usual stuff, stuck on the 1st second and when ejecting disc it would appear as blank) Then playback went. I switched on pressing AMS and got in the test menu but cannot change the LDPWR setting. Do I throw it away? Any ideas? I understand this is fairly typical of the 3ES Thank you Dimitri
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