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  • Sony Products I Own
    hxr nx5r

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    United States

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  1. Hay Guys(and Gals). I purchased the HXR-NX5R recently (i really wanted he 190, but with mixed ratings and it not being available at the time...). I was hoping to get some OBS streaming going; unfortunately, when I inserted my HDMI cable into the rear port of the camera and attached to HDMI port on front of my Dell XPS 8940, the system doesn't recognize the device. I thought that I could stream directly from my HDMI port to my PC. Before I go and spend another $2-300 bucks on another component(ie. capture card) I was wondering if anyone had an idea of a work-around. I was planning on purchasing a cCard with an BNC 75 ohm connection, but this system comes with an nVidia 2070(3070 would've been better, but...). As a result, I'm still trying to figure out how to setup the card as a capture device. I'll research the video card spec's and see if there are some settings or hardware info that I'm not following correctly. In the mean-while, I'd appreciate the help I think that's all... TIA
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