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Everything posted by cam36

  1. Hi, I know this has already been asked fairly recently but I thought I'd try again as i'm desperate! I have a SONY NW-E405 and the computers I use are a Linux Fedora Core 4 and an Apple Mac so I can't run the Sonic Stage software. I've tried running this software on my linux box in the hope that it might work but when I press the 'write' button I get the error : "java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./omgaudio/03GINF03.DAT (File exists)" I'm guessing this is due to differing OMGAUDIO files / encryption formats which Patrick mentioned for models not of the NW-E00x type . However, I wanted to ask if there was any other software or anything at all around which I can use to transfer files onto it? It was a present so I can't return it... I've also managed to delete my original OMGAUDIO/ directory (not very clever I know) when installing this software so don't think that even if I get hold of a windows machine I can use the Sonic Stage now. Ooops! Many thanks
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