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Norman Raeburn

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  • Sony Products I Own
    4 minidisc players

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  1. I can't get this original "fault" to show. I think it's probably something I am doing wrong. I will report back if it reoccurs. Many thanks, Norman
  2. Hi Folks, thanks for the rep[lies, I will try to get some pictures over the weekend. I suspect it's a feature or the machine. I did say I don't know anything about them. Another thing I have difficulty in accessing the site, something about a security certificate. My ipad won't have anything to do with the site and won't let me access at all. Can you suggest anything please. Norman
  3. Hi folks, I have one of these that I picked up cheap. It needed a belt and the timing sorted out. The problem I have (if it is a problem) is that when I move the tracks forward with the rotary knob and press it I get this (error?) message, divide rehearsal. The discs I am using weren’t recorded on this machine if that makes any difference. I also get numbers and letters in the display, like hexadecimal characters. The only way out of this is to stop the disc and press play again. If I let it play it will play the whole disc. Any suggestions? Sorry for the long post. Norman
  4. Hi Folks, Many thanks for letting me join. I am a retired service engineer although I still do some repairs. I have been doing repairs for 50 years but have seen very few minidisc. I am trying to increase my knowledge of them so expect daft questions. Norman
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