Hi everyone, I have a SONY NW a300 20gb walkman and I love it! I hate the software (who doesn't) but love the capacity of the player. I re-built my pc recently and installed a new PSU. The PSU failed whilst the walkman was plugged in, since then the walkman is useless. It won't power up, won't charge, isn't reconised by the pc. SONY want £75 to repair it which is a crazy amount of money, ebay lists cheaper ones! BUT I don't really want a new one, I want dabs.com to recognise that thier PSU casued the failure. They want an engineers report proving that! So my issues are twofold: 1) does anyone have any hints or tips on what could be wrong with the walkman and how I could repair it? 2) does anyone know of an "engineer" that would be prepared to take a look at the walkman and provide a report to dabs.com stating that the PSU failure caused the walkman failure? Other hints and advice would clearly be welcome! Many thanks Andrew