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  1. I have recently replaced the HD of my Vaio1313CSE by doing a full backup of my old HD and restoring it to the new one. Everything works fine except the F10 command of the Assist button. When I press the F10, the only result is that the drive’s partitions letters are changed and the computer becomes unbootable. After having restored the correct partition letters and the bootability (with the help of Hiren’s bootCD), I am trying to figure out the cause of this problem. One of the hypotheses is that there might be a small difference in the alignment/position of the partitions, causing this problem. I imagine that the F10 key actions an executable in the WindowsRE partition, so I tried to look at the code in that partition but could not identify the executable that might be invoked by the F10 key. Is there a software expert familiar with the Vaio software who could help me, or give hints, on how to restore the normal function of the Assist/F10 command?
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