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    NWA 3000

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  1. After various problems with the Sony NWA 3000, obviously I am not alone! I seem to have had a result with the updated version of sony connect software (updated to v However, the only function that seemed to be working correctly prior to the updated version, is now not. This was the Gracenote CD Retrieval information from the net. Can anyone help me to get this function back? What I do get from Gracenote is the Icon appearing on the top left of the screen and the message that 'Artist Link Updating' BUT no CD Information appears when inserting the CD, during the CD tracks being ripped nor after all tracks have completed ripping. This means I am editing each track manually to enter all CD information. Any info provided by anyone will be much appreciated as what's left of my patience is rapidly running out. One day hopefully this thing will be working correctly! Thanks. Moxta.
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