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Everything posted by yujin86

  1. i need help also!!! my ss 4.3/4.2 can only transfer song in original bitrate. if i choose converting to atrac b4 transfering, the song cant be transfer at all. why?
  2. i am using ss4.3 but ater tat downgrade to 4.1 due to too many songs in chinese and jap word. but now i got a big big prob. i notice tat once i turn on my bluetooth on my laptop and ss 4.1 will crash and cant load any song into mp s705. but it is perfectly for listening music and other func. in ss4.1 . i hav to reinstall 4.1 to fix tis prob.......... any solution to tis??? de second prob is i was frustratred wif 4.1 so i dl 4.3 and install it. but i notice tat i can transfer song from my c drive which is where my vista system located, and d drive as well. but the song transfer from d drive cant convert to any other format b4 transfering only de songs from c drive can convert? why does it so? but previously my 4.3 work perfectly? i notice tat everytime i install my ss sure gt sumthing cant use de....... really sad wif ss.............
  3. u try to set ur regional language to chinese prc after u uninstall de sonic stage and then try to reinstall it and choose de language to chinese. den should be ok
  4. i also encounter de same prob!!! but mostly wif de song that hav chinese chracter............
  5. i notice that i cant use Microsoft AppLocale Utility under vista............ is my pc prob or incompatible wif vista? if it is incompatible den how should i do to make my sonic stage to show chinese properly? thanks in advance!
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