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falling animals

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  1. falling animals


    otiasjm, is there a way to transfer album art via the ML_Sony plugin?? If not.. what method would you recommend for doing this.. currently I'm using your plugin and it's nothing short of amazing.
  2. I bought one last Friday for $50... it's great so far.
  3. so I'm a complete newbie, but you can only do album jackets with SonicStage.. ? What about the Ml_Sony Winamp Plugin.. because that's what I've been using so far, and I haven't even installed SonicStage.. am I going ot have problems trying to get album covers on my NW-S705 with Sonic Stage if the music has been added using Ml_Sony? Help?! :/
  4. Am I doing something wrong but I can't get any of these to work.. what's the process in doing this? I already have jpeg images called "folder.jpg" in their respective directories on my local hard drive.. do these not transfer to the mp3 player automatically or what.. any help would be appreciated. BTW, Great job with the plug in, if you ever need any web design work.. I'd love to assist you.
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