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About aleein8

  • Birthday 07/18/1972

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  • Sony Products I Own
    ATH-CK5, ATH-CK7

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. aleein8

    Sony S71x

    The Japanese versions appear to not be drag and drop however. They are still locked down as far as I can tell. It appears only the European and North American versions will allow use with Explorer/ Windows media player.
  2. I know that in Canada I am allowed to copy my own CD's for my own personal use. This quote is from a Government website. Before the Copyright Act was amended in 1998, copying any sound recording for almost any purpose infringed copyright, although, in practice, the prohibition was largely unenforceable. The amendment to the Act legalized private copying of sound recordings of musical works onto audio recording media - i.e., the copying of pre-recorded music for the private use of the person who makes the copy. In addition, the amendment made provision for the imposition of a levy on blank audio recording media to compensate authors, performers and makers who own copyright in eligible sound recordings being copied for private use. This does make MD's a little more expensive though.
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