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teh jhey

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  1. ARGH I am an idiot. Turns out the file I was trying to test with was a partial download. Commence pointing and laughing. Anyway, this program is GREAT! Thanks Patrick!
  2. Thanks Neil, but I am actually doing it from the terminal. It seems like it's not quite doing nothing. When I hit the write button, I see the progress bars on the bottom zoom through as if the file was really small (even though it's not). After that, nothing happens. I also checked my Java, and it is, in fact, 1.5. Any other suggestions?
  3. Evidently, this program is a godsend, but I'm having problems getting it to work I'm running Ubuntu 7.04, and I just got a NW-S705F. I just tried it on Windows XP, and it works fine. However, when I go through the steps in Linux, and click the write button, nothing happens. The button works, but I click it and wait, and nothing happens. What could the problem be?
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