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  1. Sorry, you're right! Not well awaken when reading Vovo's reply...
  2. Great improvements! Thanks! Just one bug i've noticed (regression) with version 1.1 : Some strings in track's tag description (Genre or Artist) are oddly cropped or changed and a "T" appears at the end or the beginning : for example, on some tracks the Genre was Electro : became "Tlectro", artist Aphex Twin became "phex TwinT"... It is not for all tracks of a same Genre or same Artist A screenshot is attached. . When you intend to play the track, it sucks, of course. When GYM1.0 is used with the same database, all is right. Thanks again
  3. Except Mp3FileManager, (and now GYM ) I only store music tracks. I had a lot of CDs before taking a HDD MP3 Unit (first one was an Archos Gmini220) and all are encoded now. Sometimes, I encode at lower bitrate, for old records that don't need to be in high quality (not remasterized old lp's or foreign language training course CDs) but, generally, I'm not under 256kbps. Since I have Shure's Earbuds, I had to re-encode some CD's in higher quality because sound was too bad and it was really disturbing for ears. And my HD5 is near to be full now... (less than 3gigs before reaching the limits). I like having all my CD's collection in my pocket and pick in it according to my mood...
  4. At the beginning, 10 gigas seem to be a huge. But, if you need to encode your music at a good bitrate in order to really enjoy it using high quality earbuds like Shure's i.e (that can not be used with aproximative sound playback), the HDD is quick fully. my vote is at less 20-30.
  5. I'm very sorry but I've mistaken a bit. .. 20% looks like enormous. And it is! I surely compared two different files. I verified and the difference is about some ko max only! (Surely tags cut..). So no problem with that and forget it!
  6. Hi, I've tried your soft and i just say you bravo (and go on making this work better and better!) Just two questions : 1) when I save back my mp3 files, their IdTags have been lost : is it because they already have been lost during transfert from PC to HD5 via SStage or Mp3File Manager? 2) The file's size is different between original file and back-up file on PC (original mp3 in my PC or size of the OMA file in HD5). What's the stuff? (IdTag can not be the difference because the lost is about 20% - depends on files) Thanks and good job.
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