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Everything posted by BlackHumour

  1. Using the original buds, yes. But with the Sennheisers, it's better but not likely to dislodge any earwax. But that's partly because it's tough to get the buds parts to sit properly into the ear. Same problem with most sports ones, apart from the bright yellow over the head types that I used to have, but they eventually broke, and I can't seem to find them in shops anymore (at least not here in Geneva). They were great because the buds sat in the ear facing forward which was very effective for minimising loss of sound. Not necessarily the greatest quality but minimal loss for running etc. Thanks for your help and guidance. Ciao
  2. as my wife would say "Well, ruffle my hair and call me Frankie" ... (who knows, it's some Aussie expression to be used in this type of eye-opening situation!!) ... I found the original buds and you're right ... they're really loud at 30. I didn't realise that it would vary some much between headphones ... I guess I need to read up on compatibility of headphone output and headphone requirements. Ciao
  3. Interesting point. I have never used the stock earphones since the first day. Mostly I used an older CD Walkman set with the coloured loop over the head, because they work for running, and more recently a set of Sennheiser ones that loop over the ears. These are the ones I tried the hack with, and then I tried again with my Sennheiser HDR130 wireless headset. Perhaps I'll go and search for the original buds. I have them somewhere. Just to rule it in or out. Thanks again
  4. Thanks for the welcome. Nice informative forum. I got into the correct menu as scripted, and was able to toggle between ON and OFF for SP SET, and then pressed PLAY/PAUSE and then BACK which switched it off. When turned it on again, and tried the process a 2nd time, SP SET was already set to OFF, which implied that it worked. But the volume still only goes to 30, and more importantly, is exactly the same loudness. I had it at 30 when doing the change, so it was easy to tell if there was a difference. Any other suggestions? PS: I'm delighted to hear that the 808 does not have the cap. That'll be the next birthday or Xmas present.
  5. I tried the same hack on my NW-A1200 and it worked as scripted, except that one direction within the test menu was different. But changing from ON to OFF made absolutely no difference to the volume. Then as I was fiddling with the EQ, I discovered that there is a standard menu item under SETTINGS to toggle the AVLS on and off. And that confirmed that I had indeed had it turned off. But the volume is unchanged (ie. still pathetic). It's barely adequate for listening at home, but hopeless if you're in any situation where there is ambient noise. I am looking at the new 808. Will that have the same problem? Cheers
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