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About wonsak

  • Birthday 05/05/1983

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  1. fanx for adviced, that really helped me to get along with sonic stage but it takes time to solve it right just because some id tags are little diffrent. vikond u should not be suprised when people complain - its not normal that transfering tracks takes so much time and grouping them into one more library is just wasting time and a bad suprise for those who bought their mp3 are after some time realized that they can't do it as simple as normal mp3 and there was no info at the box or anywhere else that so yis using such a thing, imagine someone oder or a nOOb comp girls who bought it - for example my girl sometimes takes my mp3 but explaining to her sonic stage was really tough.
  2. ok i realize the problem is tags in mp3's. for example one track is rock and other is techno and sonic stage puts them in 2 diffrent folders. first of all it makes everything hard - 1 is there a way to put them all together? is there no other way than makin' sure that all songs have the same tag - album genre and everything else? i see there no move function as well i just wanna drag & drop to sonic stage and transfer nothing else
  3. hello m8's. i'm new here. i recentlybougt my mp3 and of course i'm shocked how complicated it is to llisten music on it.still the sound quality is superior. nevermind. i wanted to ask why when i transfer music to sonic stage it groups them in some strange way - for exaplme i drop there prodigy's album experience - ripped by me 10 years ago - and sonic stage puts this to library as 3 separate albums with 1 - 3 and rest of the tracks, sometimes it splits album to 3 diffrent folders and i have to search them like crazy and of course i can't play them like they were on the album, please help me to understand it. fanx
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