First time poster here after purchasing an e507 as a second mp3 player the other day for chump change (less than $20 at a Sears). I also apologize for the thread necromancy, but this thread was relevant to me, given that I did not want to install SonicStage AT ALL. imagine is on the right track regarding the batch file, however his batch file had a flaw in it as he himself mentions. Without seeing his batch file I cannot be 100% sure, but I believe his problem might involve trying to invoke the executable in the same manner as the autorun. This does not work, as already noted. The answer to the problem is to utilize the CD (change directory) command within the batch file. Here are my autorun and batch files. I have tried this and I no longer get the error message, although I do have the command prompt window still open, since MP3FileManager.exe is running.
While this is an old thread, I hope this is of help to people wanting to autorun the player.