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Everything posted by mcv

  1. mcv

    NW-E015 UK Review

    Hi all! Got my NW-E015 on Saturday (30 June) and so far am loving it. Thought I would post here with some info in case anyone found it useful. I tried some cheap Sony in-ear phones and thought the player was very noisy. However, switching to a decent pair of semi-closed headphones confirmed that the player is indeed extremely quiet, in fact almost silent (with regards to noise). I tried the volume at 1/30 and could not hear any noise or music come to that! Increased the volume on a pair of headphones with volume control and discovered the only noise was coming from the headphone volume control. So, to Techno Pride, the answer is the player is extremely quiet. (Hmm, didn't think you could listen to techno quietly! ) I didn't know there was a 4GB version, have looked on internet but can't find it. In any case, the shops don't have it. Shame, I would buy one if there was one. Mine was also £49 at Comet, currently reduced by £10 though it didn't say so on the display but the till correctly charged me £49. For those that are curious about the display, it looks to me like LCD though I couldn't say for 100%, not having ever seen an OLED display. None of the shop models were charged and as usual the sales assistant didn't have a clue, though she was polite. I told her that I needed to see the screen in operation as I might not be satisfied with an OLED screen, and since she didn't know what an OLED screen was, could I return it if I wasn't satisfied? She checked with her manager who said OK and wrote this on my receipt in case I did want to return it. As it turns out, I'm very happy with it, I did not want a large handheld player with a screen that played videos but being able to see a thumbnail of the cover art is surprisingly handy, so it's perfect for me. Hope some of that's useful to someone as I've found this forum very useful to me! Kind regards, mcv
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