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Everything posted by sudheer

  1. thaks for giving the link. i rollback my firmware to 2.00 version succesfully. but my unluck trail, FM is not working. ok. thank you .
  2. thanks for pointing this. please let me know where can i get 2.00 version for my sony e003f .?
  3. yes. i am doubtful with new firmware, it might affected my FM . and another doubt is , recently i upgraded sonicstage to newer version. is this usage of sonicstage newer version caused my sony nwe003f 's FM stopped working.?
  4. I updated my sony walkman NWE003F series with newer version 2.01 at 6 months back. Now i need to rollback to my older version 2.00 Can anybody please tell me , is it possible to rollback to previous version ? Thanks for your great help .
  5. yes. thanks for your help. i bought it one year back. i checked earphones also. but no use. i think it may be better to go for sevice center. !!?
  6. yes.thanks for pointing some of the things that may cuase not funtioning my sonynw003f FM radio. i purchased it in U.S new mexico one year back. Currently i am able to play mp3 audio. The FM radio problem is started since 2 weeks back. As per your suggestions, i followed all those steps, but still the problem persists. Currently i am in india. so can i change this piece under exchange offer here in india ? please let me know the info. regarding this . Thanks for your help. sudheer.
  7. yes.thanks for pointing some of the things that may cuase not funtioning my sonynw003f FM radio. i purchased it in U.S new mexico one year back. Currently i am able to play mp3 audio. The FM radio problem is started since 2 weeks back. As per your suggestions, i followed all those steps, but still the problem persists. Currently i am in india. so can i change this piece under exchange offer here in india ? please let me know the info. regarding this . Thanks for your help. sudheer.
  8. THe FM radio feature is not working in my sony nwe003f series. THe device Unable to catch any frequency. please give me the solutions for this. thanks for you great help.
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