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  1. Thank you very very much. All my settings got back now. I forgot to mentioned about Simple Mode, yes it was in Simple Mode and in Sonic Stage I unchecked the Intelligent Feature part so that was the cause of everything. So thanks again for your help.
  2. Yes I agree this is really odd. If I make an order of the disappearing options; -Time Machine Shuffle and the other shuffle option I can't remember it.In total it should be 3. Only "Shuffle All" is visible. -Play History(music files) -Song Rate these are the things I can remember at the moment.
  3. Nope I did what you've said but still only "shuffle all" exists.Nothing has changed.But thanks for your help. Probably, I'll wait for another firmware update. I hope Sony would be reading this.
  4. I got a NW-A808 and I'm very pleased with it. I have updated to firmware v1.02. Unfortunately, some or I can say major settings are just vanished right after I'd made the update. For instance in shuffle menu time machine feature has gone.Only shuffle all appears.Moreover play history has also disappeared and various other settings are just disappeared as well. I contacted to help desk and they told me after firmware updates some settings might disappear and they adviced me to do the factory settings whereas I couldn't find that feature anywhere in menu. Could you please help, what's going on.How can I revert to the old menu appearance that I had in previous version(1.01) Thanks.
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