Hi, First, nice work to everyone involved into this project! I have a potential enhancement, useful at least from my side. I have Sony Vaio MP3 HDD VGF-AP1. The GYM works nice for me. But when extracting the MP3 files, I would like to have a folder structure not based on Album + Artist name, but based on the Group names I created on my own. In SonicStage, you can move files from groups to other groups, and structure your songs in a more "nice" way. In other words: "groups" and "albums" does not need to be always the same thing. Somehow, the "group" info is inside the 03GINF01.DAT, but I don't know how to link that info to the real song file (04CNTINF.DAT), but I don't know the details. Thus, my whishes: - Incorporate in the GUI the "Group" category - Configuration via the GUI or the GYM.XML file of the output folders for the MP3 files: in that way, the user may decide whether the output folders will have "Artist + Album" name, or "Artist + Genre" name, or one folder per Genre, or one folder per Group, for example. Thanks indeed to take this into consideration, and Best Regards