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The Northerner

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  1. Ah replies at last... Thanks. Whilst probably very sensible, that's not very helpful!!! Well I'd kind of figured that already which was I why I asked for help!! It's the 'something' that's the problem as I have absolutely no idea what it could be. (Ok, I confess. I'm pretty much illiterate when it comes to computers...). What I'd be really grateful for is ideas on what I can actually check for... And while I'm here, when I imported my library into v4.3, SS helpfully moved all my multi-artist compilations into individual albums with a single track in each!! How annoying is that??!!! Not a question, just a moan.... Are Sony Europe any good at answering techie questions like this or will my email just disappear into a great big hole?
  2. Can anyone help? Sonic stage 4.3 is running really slooooow in Vista (PC AMD Athlon 64 x2, 2 GB RAM) taking up to 25-30 seconds to register mouse clicks, cursor over menus etc. I don't know what I'm doing wrong as v4.0 worked fine (more or less) in XP. Any tips anyone can offer? Thanks in advance
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