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Everything posted by fireballz

  1. I can see why so many people hate SonicStage... this is terrible.
  2. okay so wth... how do i get songs on my player (without formatting)? this is bs...
  3. Okay, first of all I live in Canada and have an NW-E407 which works well. My primary computer I connected to was at university (which had SonicStage 3.4 I think), but since I'm at home now for the summer, I needed to download SonicStage so I could use my mp3 player on my home computer. So I go and download the latest US version from this site, and it comes with Connect. I try to authorize but it says "this computer appears to be outside of the United States" blah blah blah, and I can't authorize. So I look around some more and find this: http://esupport.sony.com/CA/perl/swu-downl...168&os_id=7 This is SonicStage 4.0 for Canada models only. So I think this is perfect - exactly what I need. So I load it up and it asks me to authorize. When I click 'Yes' nothing happens. So I go to the media info button thing at the bottom corner when trying to transer and the Authorize button is GREYED OUT. I can de-authorize, but then I'd have to delete all the tracks currently on my player. But what's the deal, why is the Authorize button greyed out? HELP PLEASE?
  4. I was going to get the panasonic hje50s, but they were sold out at every futureshop/best buy i looked at. Then i saw the JVC hafx55s at 2001 audio video for $5 cheaper than the panasonics, so i got them. Overall, i'm very pleased. Very nice sound, clear and full. Also very balanced, nothing is overpowering (like the bass on the Sonys). Speaking of which, the bass is very good on the JVCs. It is clean and not muddled or flat like on some other headphones. I notice that if i switch between small and medium sleeves, i have to add +1 bass to the smalls if im coming from the mediums. overall great set of headphones. highly recommended.
  5. Anybody have any experience or knowledge about these phones? They seem to be in-ear/canal type phones, but I can't really tell They are quite cheap too, I found them for $20 CDN. There are some reviews and they seem positive. Does anybody have any experience with these phones?
  6. Alright, Basically on my dorm computer, I created an Atrac CD in SonicStage 3.3. All my files in the library were in atrac3 plus @ 64kbps. I burned about 300 songs to the CD, and when I looked on the CD, they were all in .ATP format, which I just now found out that SonicStage 3.3 doesn't support . So now I'm on my home computer after installing SonicStage 3.3, waiting to get my Sony NW-E407 tomorrow, and no files in the library to transfer to the player because they are all in .ATP format on the CD... And SonicStage doesn't support .ATP! So is there anything I can do to get the .ATP files on the CD to work in SonicStage? TY.
  7. Can you delete files right from the player? Thanks!
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