Need a little help if someone would be so kind.... My father bought himself a E000 something Sony device. SS 3.4 came in the box and when installed, won't run, stuck on "initializing". I followed the advice from the forum to upgrade to SSCP. After SSCP installed, same error message (see attached). I've since uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I've cleared everything out of the registry, deleted all SONY related directories and reinstalled. I've reinstalled MDAC.inf, removed all codecs and codec packs, uninstalled all recompressing programs (VSO, Nero). I've also used CCleaner after every uninstall. Everything left installed on the machine I've also got installed on my MCE box at home and SSCP works for me. Everytime, I still get the same problem. The machine is: Asus Pundit-R 3Ghz P4 512 RAM Windows MCE 2005 with latest updates My last option is a complete reinstall, but I'm really keen to avoid if at all possible. Can anyone provide any further advice that I might have missed? Many thanks in advance