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    NW-E002, NW-E005

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  1. mcjw


    Hello everyone, I just discovered your forum today. Your work and knowledge base really gave ray of hope on the software front, prompting me to get my 2 Sony players out of long-term storage due to Sonicstage headaches. In order to use ML_SONY, I was just about to install the old version of Winamp myself when I discovered only the 5.3X versions have unicode support! So I think I can only wait until the day ML_SONY works with Winamp 5.35. I hope it's not too difficult a development from here. Many thanks to the developer(s). I only started using Winamp to manage my files, switching over from iTunes, due to the latter's proper handling of my Chinese songs and tags. Love the openness and interoperability outside the world of Apple. So does anyone think we'll see an ML_SONY for Winamp 5.35 anytime soon? Thanks to you all!
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