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Everything posted by till25

  1. Are there any news about the Artist Link function??
  2. I send it back and i get my money back. In the shop where i've ordered the broken one there are no more players available for the next 4 weeks. So i've ordered it in another shop...
  3. Yeah I think so...I've used my player for 4 days and then the display broke...I will send it back to my dealer. I've already ordered a new one in another shop..Hope that it will work better.
  4. Here it is! It looks nice, or not ??
  5. I did nothing. I've put it on in the morning to hear music to my way to work and then there was this f**** vertikally line in the display...
  6. Yes I did...but there is no effect :-(
  7. First big problem with the Player...My display has broken today. There ist a line of dots vertikally through the display. Now i have to send it to a sony repair center...Thats really bad. I hope that there will be no more problems with the new display...
  8. You can use time machine with both ATRAC and MP3. With the Artist link i am not sure. It does not work properly on my player. But i don't know if it has something to do with the type of file...
  9. Some of them are ATRAC files (ripped from CDs) and some are MP3 files. But the most files on it are MP3 files...
  10. Hi again! I've not yet solved the problem. All my music files on my a1000 have id tags. I've fixed all of them with TagScanner.I really don't know why it does not work. Only with some files i can use the artist link button...
  11. Hallo! Today I got my A1000 in silver..Its really awsome:-) But i have one problem...The "Artist Link" function does not work properly. It always says that there are no linked files found on my divice. But all my files on the player have a genre information... It only works with the two sample songs from sony on the player Can somebody help me?
  12. Hallo! Today I got my A1000 in silver..Its really awsome:-) But i have one problem...The "Artist Link" function does not work properly. It always says that there are no linked files found on my divice. But all my files on the player have a genre information... It only works with the two sample songs from sony on the player Can somebody help me?
  13. Hi! I would like to buy the Player NW-A1000. But in which colour? Which one do you prefer? In Germany the Player is only available in online-stores...so i had no chance to see it live... Thanks for your replies..
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