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    Sony NW- A806

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry if this is in the wrong area - I couldnt find a better one - Im trying to use the video transfer thing that comes with the Nw 806 to put divx files onto the walkman the problem is it has to convert them which it does upuntil 99 percent and then tells me there was a problem with the file stream - anyone else had this know how to stop it. It happens with every DIVX file I try (but not normall AVI ones). Thanks
  2. I have recently brought a second hand a806 and it has a nice little library of songs which im guessing will be deleted the first time I load SS on to my PC and connect the player (like in Itunes?). As I would like to keep these songs does anyone know of anyway to upload these onto my PC (using GYM or similar programme etc)? Also, anyone no of any alternative yet for SS? Thanks!
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