Ascariss, and everyone else reading, Im affraid the rumours you heard about the new Connect Player not being compatible with HD5's (and all earlier models) is very true. I phoned Sony and spoke to them about this and they confirmed that the new Digital Music Manager, "Connect Player", isn't compatible with these models, only with the new Walkmans. Its a shame to hear all these problems with the new player but it does make me happy in a way. I only just bought the HD5 and was pissed off when they annouced the release of the new walkman with the new Connect Player. I thought atleast this player would be compatible with my HD5, but apparantly not. So these bugs makes the release of the Connect Player a bit easier for me to stomach. It looks good though!!!!!!!!! How long do you think we will have to wait for these bugs and backwards compatibilty problems to be sorted out?...if at all?