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Everything posted by pupdawg

  1. You mean this cryptic messy file system on the NWA series is a trade secret... I've been looking at the endless directories on the player and can't imagine why some of the album art is repeated 100 times spread over multiple directories, does not look very efficient. I also noticed all the dat files needed to manage just 4-8 GB of MP3s and only a few MB of ID Tag data. I'm crossing my finger for a firmware update and although I love the hardware it's crippled by it's software and will be the last sony player I buy just because I want to make sure I do my part and not let companies like sony make all there money without doing a little something for there existing customers state of mind. I love companies that use upgradeable firmware to make there customers feel secure by keeping them in the loop for at least a year or so after there initial purchase.
  2. The very least Sony could do is release the specs for the database and dir. structure on these players so someone can write a wrapper or plugin for use in other software without having to release a new firmware... I bought the NW-A806 and love the player but sonic stage is bugging BIG TIME. I can't really see what the big difference in the hardware could be that would make such a upgrade a problem for sony.
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