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  1. Thanks for your insight! I think i'll stick with CP for now. This morning I opened it up, and it started going through every song in the library with the "updating artist link" message in the bar down the bottom. Up untill now, that message has only flashed on for a few seconds or so, but this time it counted through EVERY song. After plugging my unit in and updating database etc, now artist link appears to be working! It's nice to see it actually work now. Despite it's uselessness Thanks again.
  2. I've got all the CP upgrades and firmware upgrades. And while I agree the whole artist link function is rather useless, but at the same time I feel a bit cheated that I can't get it working properly. I mean it has its own button and everything. I would just like to see it work a bit better than what it's currently doing. I started downloading Sonicstage but it was going so slooooooow. I've seen a few mixed reports on it. Worth the download? I know they've added support for the A-series unique features - is that what you mean by "SonicStage CP enables Artist Link for the A1000/3000 series" or is there something else?
  3. I know this has been covered a lot (I looked t_t) but I was wondering if there have been any new improvements about Artist Link? For the longest time I could get nothing linking at all, then I imported 2 albums using CP (previously all my mp3s came from iTunes) and now they link to each other. I've imported several other albums using CP and transferred them onto my player (A3000) yet I can't get anything linking. Any advice? Does Sonic Stage 4 offer any improvements to this? Sometimes the status bar changes to something about artist link when I start up CP but I can't notice anything different. Thanks in advance
  4. sorry. i fixed my problem by formatting the player and reinstalling connect. thanks anyway
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