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About elton

  • Birthday 10/02/1953

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  1. Hi George What version of SonicStage are you using and what is the operating system on your computer? If it's 4.3 on Vista I have failed to get this to work no matter what I do. If however, it's 4.3 on XP it should work well. Let us know.
  2. I'm getting the same. 4.3 CP for Vista is crap in my opinion. I also get the screen freezing when all other applications are fine. Some Vista 64-bit users are reporting it's fine but I have 32-bit and it's truly awful. Just waiting for Sony to wake up and release a better version while hoping it won't be too long in doing so.
  3. I'm using Vista Home Premium and regrettably, SonicStage 4.3 CP is a right pain in the bum. Nothing but issues with it. I have spent hour upon hour to get the darn thing to work. Uninstalled/reinstalled it so many times and gotten nowhere. So when I saw your compatibility suggestion I though lets go for it - nothing to lose and I was right! It won't start at all in XP SP2 mode. Luckily I have an laptop running XP with no problems. So I shall stick with that for all transfers until Sony get their act together and release another update.
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