I was phoned by Sony Support about a problem I logged (wish I could find the page I reported it on!! Edit: found it http://www2.sony.co.uk/feedback/feedbackform.asp) last week, I couldn't get a few CD's to rip using connect as they were the ones with their own PC player on. I was told it was fixed in Mondays release, but it isn't, I still can't rip these 3 CD's. The temp solution is to create MP3's and use/rip them.. not really ideal. I logged another problem at the same time, whilst he was on the phone and all, about the trash option on the A3000 marking the track for trash but not deleting it when connected to PC. My other problem is that I can't delete tracks from the PC Connect software (when A3000 isn't connected, not tried it with it linked), I use remove, and the blooming files just re-appear. I've not just deleted the librarys and let it re-initalise from scratch. Proving to be a pain in the butt. Still totally love the A3000, Hooded Claw, hoping the speaker docking station will be excellent.