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  1. In their faq's After I transferred songs with the music management software that was delivered with my WALKMAN, "No Data" or "MG Error" appears on the LCD display or I cannot play my music after removing the USB cable from the unit. Sony say that my second hand 3000 has been formated by windows because it is displayed as FAT32. However I have initialised it using the built in menu on the walkman and upgraded to firmware v3 and it still says FAT32. I am currently having a lot of problems getting Sonic Stage to put anything on it. Initially it had low sound, and then battery was slow to charge or to take a full charge. Those problems seem to be overcome but I am convinced the format type is still causing a problem. Anyone know how to get it to format to FAT or RAW. Sonic Stage does not give the option to initialise it either - probably because it is initialised or in the wrong format?
  2. I just bought a JVC car radio/cd with aux connector on the front panel. Also bought a 3.5 to 3.5 jack plug cable for £5 at maplins. The 3000 works fine through the car radio
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