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Bo Jensen

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  1. Hi Aob Do you run it with Vista or XP? If vista how did you make it work? I have tried mine with a XP computer that I burrowed and it worked perfectly. Also it can now find my PC as a server but not the Mcrew server - so connection is present. Regards Bo
  2. I have just goten myself a CPF-IX001 but it cannot find the server on wireless mode. I have followed the manual and installed ver 2.5 and updated the firmware. But when I go to wireless it is not posible for the CPF to find the server. I can get acces to the device through the IP addr. So I got contact. Any ideas?
  3. I have followed the manual and installed ver 2.5 and updated the firmware. But when I go to wireless it is not posible for the CPF to find the server. I can get acces to the device through the IP addr. So I got contact. Any ideas?
  4. Dear both I can se that you have the CPF-IX001 - can you make it work with wireless and Vista. I have followed the manual and installed ver 2.5 and updated the firmware. But when I go to wireless it is not posible for the CPF to find the server. I can get acces to the device through the IP addr. So I got contact. Any ideas? Regards Bo
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