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John S

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Everything posted by John S

  1. With the help of this thread, I have bought a new battery for my NW-A3000. However, when I came to fit it I found that the small plug which attaches the battery to a corresponding socket inside the device is smaller (thinner) than that on the original battery. With the original battery, there is a positive tight fitting, whereas with the replacement the plug remains loose when inserted into the socket. The effect is that there is no electrical contact - when attached to the charger the device constantly accesses the hard disk, and the red charging light does not stay on. This is exactly the same as it is with the battery totally disconnected. I can be confident the problem lies with the replacement battery since I have been able to refit the original and use the device successfully. The replacement battery seems to be correct - the same as quoted earlier in this thread: Model No: CS-SA3000SL Part No: LIS1356HNPA 1-756-608-21 5Y30A1697 Has anyone else had this problem? Maybe there are slightly different manufacturing variants of the device. POSTSCRIPT I pushed ahead and installed the replacement battery anyway. The battery wires are actually just a push fit into the small white connectors. So I was able to swap the connector from the old battery to the new by carefully pulling the wires off the old and pushing them tightly into the new with the blunt edge of a Stanley knife blade. So there's no need to pay Sony £61 and no need for any cutting and soldering!
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