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Everything posted by whenigodeaf

  1. By the way, the HD5 was new so there was nothing on it in the first place, so no need to re-initialise.
  2. Thanks pata2001, much appreciated. Unfortunately, it's not worked, the same problems are persisting. I installed the 4.3 Asia Pacific version but when I try to play a track it gives me "cannot play this track, licensing information cannot be retrieved", and when I try to rip a cd, it says an error has occurred (type 0000178d-4603, which I'll google now, see if I can solve it). Has anybody got any ideas?! So annoying, all because my sodding cable came out!
  3. Hi there. I'll try and keep this short. Basically I can't transfer my library onto my new HD5, and when I try to play a track from my library it gives me the "invalid rights management" message. The background is that my original HD5 got nicked, so I bought a replacement on eBay, but during the library transfer (which was going all fine) my computer turned off (no battery power, and the lead got knocked), which seemed to screw the HD5, so I got a second replacement from eBay. I didn't realise that the power shut down also effects the DRM and now I'm having these above problems. The second problem is that I would happily cut my losses and re-rip my cd collection from scratch, but SonicStage won't even let me do that (I have iTunes and that is letting me do it, but SonicStage isn't). Please help! And please try and keep the language reasonably un-techy, I'm a bit of a simpleton on that front! Thank you if you can advise. Paul
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