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Everything posted by THG

  1. I have had an idea.. What I am thinking is that Sony should make a firmware upgrade to allow WAV native playback (and transfer in Sonicstage) on the Sony NW-A#000. At the moment there is only WAV conversion to ATRAC in Sonicstage, which is good but for the ultimate in sound quality uncompressed audio is best. What do you think guys? I am iunterested to hear your opinions
  2. It's OK guys, I've actualy find out thghat there's no native support, but ATrAC 3 plus 352 kbps suonds almost as good, should be OK, thnks for ur help!
  3. Is there someone who is able to help me with this, I have seen no replies. It may seem a stupid question, but still please try and help me.
  4. Hello everyone How do I upload WAV files (saved from CD onto Sonicstage) onto my MP3 player using Sonicstage? (I am using Sony NW-A3000 player, and Sonicstage Version 4.3.01 as my software). Any help appreciated, THG
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