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Andy K

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Everything posted by Andy K

  1. yes in WMP11 is corrupted. its just weird.... even more weird thing is that, If i change the music folder name (where the music file contains) and open the korean music files in WMP11 it's not corrupted!!! but after a minute or so the song title gets corrupted (within wmp11 open). If i change the music folder name again and open again in WMP11 its appears not corrupted again!!! and guess what it seems to be in memory or cache so that if i change back to the old folder names it remains corrupted!!! its soo weird that u wont understand what im saying but its true...
  2. i found temporary solution, i moved MY MUSIC folder and changed its name. and then, i didnt open the mp3 files in MEdia player anymore, then i DRAG N DROPPED Korean MP3 files into the NWZ-A829. now its not corrupted in the player! its so weird isnt it? but it works! i think Windowz Media player 11 corrupts the text in the ID3 tag!
  3. Hi, this is my first post even thougth i have been browsing this website for many years.. recently i bought NWZ-A829 to replace my Vaio pocket 40GB (battery is not holding up).. Firstly, NWZ-A829 i was impressed of its screen, looks etc... but i was totally disappointed about NO ATRAC SUPPORT! how can i call this device sony walkman if it doesnt have atrac? Anyways, the new media manger included in the package was the worst crap ever, all japanese/korean song corrupted ID3 tags in MWZ-A829 piece of junk! Before all my Japanese and korean songs had no problem using sonicstage and applocale to display all ID3 correctly on my walkmans. Is there any solutions? otherwise i wanna snap this thin metal into two.
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