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Everything posted by 777.300

  1. After performing actions described above to get my NET MD to work I found that my newly installed and officially activated Windows 8 was showing a "Test Mode" watermark in the rh lwr corner. In the following link you can find the solution to remove that watermark, if necessary: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2509241/en-us Harald
  2. sfbp, Best advice ever. Found in this link how to disable signing in Win7. (Win 8 = Win7 with new GUI) http://www.killertec...gning-windows-7 Performed steps, upgraded driver and NET MD working fine again wit Sonic Stage Ultimatev2. (after the signing disable windows warns you about Not Signed but as in Win 7 you now can ignore this warning and install the driver) Thanks for this great advice. Harald
  3. Hi Guys, Last week I installed Windows 8 on my PC. Loading the windows 7 64 Bit drivers for my Net MD MZ-N1 fails. (was working before on win 7) Using the modified NETMD760 files for it but during / after the driver installation windows is showing that the HASH for the file is not available or corrupted. In Win 8 it is not possible to force the installation to go on so the driver installation fails. Has anyone the same problem and has any one a solution to install the Net Md on a Windows 8 machine. Any tip for the solution is much appreciated because I really need my Net MD to work. Harald
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