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  1. Thankyou so much guys! Thats amazing. Its like a completely different player. If its any help apparently the innards of the A-1000 are pretty much identical to those of the HD-3. Right thats one thing..anyone any idea how to get Artist link, and the intelligent shuffles working without CONNECT. Fought for a day just to transfer half my music collection. Its more unstable than anyhting I've ever seen. Im using SS 3.3 - which when I installed it yesterday I thought the most beautiful piece of software ever written - thats how bad CONNECT is. But at the mo to get the shuffles working I have to boot connect, wait til its done accessing the player (watch the player for this, not connect) and then ALT-F4 it. Then they work, but I'm sick of the 4 min+ loading time. Also Artist link doesnt work with any of my mp3s which were ripped and tagged by WMP. Even the stuff I put on with connect won't work - although I didnt let it go online and 'update' my tags..probably do them in Welsh or something..and then crash.. Any help or ideas would be much apprecieated. BTW I bought my player here in the UK and I can confirm that all the EQ settings work with MP3's. Also another useful thing to know is that the knew firmware, contrary to sonys press release also speeds up the player. Honest. Both on switch on and to a lesser extent naviagtion. Thanks again guys.
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