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  1. Oscar

    CONNECT Player lost.

    I reformatted my computer recently and lost my CONNECT install, I couldn't find the program to download on the internet and the disc is 100 miles away, I tried using SonicStage but I can't stand the program and it won't even transfer a single track. Is there any way to download and install the CONNECT player? Thanks.
  2. i have version 1170 and it works flawlessly, 750+ songs
  3. alright thanks, gotta say that connect player is working like a dream for me atm (well, it does take a while to transfer music to my mp3 player but i dont have anything to compare it to and i did set it to convert and transfer 3GB of music so i suppose it SHOULD have taken a long time )
  4. it seems to be version 1170 from the first install, i tried to update it AS SOON as i installed it but the autoupdater is already level 1150 and the connect player set to 1170 oO i set it to promt be before auto updating but ive never recieved a prompt
  5. just says i dont have the target software installed when i run the update files, can anyone help me? thanks
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