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  • Minidisc units
    MZ-N710, MZ-NH700, MZ-RH1, MZ-NH1, MZ-1

mannermoe's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Bought a RH1 for round about 25€ some years ago, top cover was dented at the back side an unit doesn´t close sometimes. I removed the cover, bent it back slightly and reinstalled it. It works fine till now.
  2. O.K. 0210 DiscPr 0211 NomiRP 2E 0212 NomiRT 1E 0213 NomiWP 8D 0214 NomiWT 28 0215 OptiRP 22 0216 OptiWP 69 0217 Adrs H 16 0218 Adrs L 77 0219 ResDPr CC I have writted down all Service Mode Entries of my RH1, so I don
  3. O.K. the first 3 numbers are a kind of tree structure, last number 0 is the main menu item and has no value (or CC=no value/cannot be changed), last numbers 1-9 are submenu items. 2110 PwrChk 2111 PwrOff CC 2112 PwrSrc 10 2113 PwrEvt 01 2114 Suspnd CC 2115 and 2116 are not accessable mfg mannermoe Edit: Sorry, posted the wrong values, here are the ones you need
  4. Hi, on my RH1 Service Mode menues 2010-2016 are not accessable. When entering 2000 then 2100, 2110, 2111 are following. other settings: 9111 LrefPW 14 9112 HrefPW 12 9113 WrPwx2 91 I think this is not the value, it´s a part of the menue name "AdjFEF". mfg mannermoe
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