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  1. When I run the KeyWizard it dies when it generates the keys. I guess I need the "crack.mp3" which is not in the zip. I took one from an earlier build, but maybe best to have it in the new zip, if it's updated or if others don't have the old one. Edit: Crashed when comparing the files, just disappears. Would be great if you could add all files necessary to use the wizard. Thanks.
  2. Tutorial: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=159 I tried it too, too bad the hel2nwm force it to 120x36. NW-A series uses 128x128 I think. I also found this page: http://www.checkbit.co.uk/nwm/ It let you import PNG files and then it converts to nwm, but it only works with 120x36, gah =(
  3. Andreasvb

    NW A3000 Volume

    Hi. It is the "Artist Link" button, on the left side, the one that lit in orange.
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