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  1. Connect works OK for me but does have a few minor bugs that annoy me. However, the more songs I put into the library, the slower it becomes. It is still usable, but definately needs some major updates.
  2. I noticed that! However, there is an option where you can stop it from updating your ID3 tags. I think you can find it in the properties of a track and somewhere in the options menu. CP will still update and change everything in the library (if you have that feature turned on) but will not update your tags so will stay all nice and not affect that actual files. I really hate the huge amount of wrong info on gracenote.
  3. Does no-one have the ability to turn off volume control in the main menu? Home menu > settings (bottom left) > AVLS (Vol. Limit) ????
  4. I did post in the thread about it not working, but its on page 6 so not everyone may see it. Just wanted to say ArtistLink does work. At first it didn't, but gradually the Connect Player has been updating all of my mp3's and has added missing info such as 'album' and 'year' and ArtistLink info. The only problem is: it takes forever. I've read on here it updates about 3 or 4 songs a minute, so would take 17 hours to update all mine. So, erm, stick with it. Eventually it will work for you. I suggest something be done by Sony to speed it up a bit, I don't want to wait for days for all my music to update.
  5. My artist link didn't work at first. The Connect Player software has very slowly been updating all my mp3's with missing info (album and year) and has been adding ArtistLink info. Keep your Connect Player and internet on and gradually it will add the info and it will work. I must say though that Sony do need to sort it out so it works faster. I have nearly 4000 songs and at the rate it's going it will take a month to update everything.
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